Architectural support

Portalp has designed this space on its website to provide architects, construction economists, and general contractors with all the necessary information they need to design and implement your projects.

We remain at your disposal to develop and enhance ths plateform. Suggestions are welcom!

Our fast-reacting teams respond to your requests and provide personalized solutions.

Do you want to know more about signaling for glass safey decals., powder coating and anodizing, or the various types of automatic door openings? You’re in the right place!

Documentations : sales brochures and installation guide

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What type of panes should you choose?

Whether double, triple, Stadip, laminated, insulating, all panes selected by Portalp are CEKAL certified.

The different types of openings

Single or double sliding, left- or right-hand closures, telescopic… with a focus on exit units.

Glass safety decals

Meets specific standards to ensure everyone’s safety.

Anodization or powder coating?

Surface treatment for your joinery is an essential step to guaranteeing quality for the long term.

Prescription texts and product description

Download the prescription texts and product descriptions for our range of automatic doors.

Legislation & regulations

Automatic doors are electrical equipment that function every day, opening and closing at various frequencies depending on the flow of people. From design and installation to maintenance, automatic doors must respect strict regulations to ensure everyone’s safety.



After a strategic business review of the US market, Portalp has decided to cease its operations in the USA.
We apologize for this situation and hope that our current partners/distributors will satisfy your needs.

For any inquiries please contact us via contact form